| Index Entry | | Section |
A | | |
| ALIASES | | 16.2.6 Input/Output |
| ALIASFUNCDEF | | 16.2.9 Scripts and Functions |
| ALIAS_FUNC_DEF | | 16.2.9 Scripts and Functions |
| ALLEXPORT | | 16.2.5 Initialisation |
| ALL_EXPORT | | 16.2.5 Initialisation |
| ALWAYSLASTPROMPT | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| ALWAYSTOEND | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| ALWAYS_TO_END | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| APPENDCREATE | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| APPENDHISTORY | | 16.2.4 History |
| APPEND_CREATE | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| APPEND_HISTORY | | 16.2.4 History |
| AUTOCD | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| AUTOCONTINUE | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| AUTOLIST | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTOMENU | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTONAMEDIRS | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTOPARAMKEYS | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTOPARAMSLASH | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTOPUSHD | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| AUTOREMOVESLASH | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTORESUME | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| AUTO_CD | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| AUTO_CONTINUE | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| AUTO_LIST | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTO_MENU | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTO_NAME_DIRS | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTO_PARAM_KEYS | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTO_PARAM_SLASH | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTO_PUSHD | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| AUTO_PUSHD, use of | | 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell |
| AUTO_REMOVE_SLASH | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| AUTO_RESUME | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
B | | |
| BADPATTERN | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| BAD_PATTERN | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| BANGHIST | | 16.2.4 History |
| BANG_HIST | | 16.2.4 History |
| BAREGLOBQUAL | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| BARE_GLOB_QUAL | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| BARE_GLOB_QUAL, use of | | 14.8.7 Glob Qualifiers |
| BASHAUTOLIST | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| BASHREMATCH | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| BASH_AUTO_LIST | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| BASH_REMATCH | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| BEEP | | 16.2.12 Zle |
| BGNICE | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| BG_NICE | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| BRACECCL | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| BRACEEXPAND | | 16.3 Option Aliases |
| BRACE_CCL | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| BRACE_CCL, use of | | 14.6 Brace Expansion |
| BRACE_EXPAND | | 16.3 Option Aliases |
| BSDECHO | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| BSD_ECHO | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| BSD_ECHO, use of | | 17 Shell Builtin Commands |
C | | |
| CASEGLOB | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| CASEMATCH | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| CASEPATHS | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| CASE_GLOB | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| CASE_MATCH | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| CASE_PATHS | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| CBASES | | 16.2.9 Scripts and Functions |
| CDABLEVARS | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| CDABLE_VARS | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| CDABLE_VARS, use of | | 17 Shell Builtin Commands |
| CDSILENT | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| CD_SILENT | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| CHASEDOTS | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| CHASELINKS | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| CHASE_DOTS | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| CHASE_LINKS | | 16.2.1 Changing Directories |
| CHASE_LINKS, use of | | 17 Shell Builtin Commands |
| CHECKJOBS | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| CHECKRUNNINGJOBS | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| CHECK_JOBS | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| CHECK_RUNNING_JOBS | | 16.2.7 Job Control |
| CLOBBER | | 16.2.6 Input/Output |
| CLOBBEREMPTY | | 16.2.6 Input/Output |
| CLOBBER_EMPTY | | 16.2.6 Input/Output |
| COMBININGCHARS | | 16.2.12 Zle |
| COMBINING_CHARS | | 16.2.12 Zle |
| COMPLETEALIASES | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| COMPLETEINWORD | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| COMPLETE_ALIASES | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| COMPLETE_IN_WORD | | 16.2.2 Completion |
| CONTINUEONERROR | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CONTINUE_ON_ERROR | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CORRECT | | 16.2.6 Input/Output |
| CORRECTALL | | 16.2.6 Input/Output |
| CORRECT_ALL | | 16.2.6 Input/Output |
| CPRECEDENCES | | 16.2.9 Scripts and Functions |
| CSHJUNKIEHISTORY | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CSHJUNKIELOOPS | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CSHJUNKIEQUOTES | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CSHNULLCMD | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CSHNULLGLOB | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY, use of | | 14.1.1 Overview |
| CSH_JUNKIE_LOOPS | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CSH_JUNKIE_QUOTES | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CSH_NULLCMD | | 16.2.10 Shell Emulation |
| CSH_NULLCMD, use of | | 7.3 Redirections with no command |
| CSH_NULL_GLOB | | 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing |
| C_BASES | | 16.2.9 Scripts and Functions |
| C_BASES, use of | | 11 Arithmetic Evaluation |
| C_PRECEDENCES | | 16.2.9 Scripts and Functions |